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<script>-- this handler contains the functions needed to manage the-- sourcesfunction parseSourceFile sourceName-- this function opens a source file and parses it out.-- it assumes the file name is fully contructed and qualifiedglobal siteNameglobal siteIPglobal sitePortglobal maintainerglobal databaseNameglobal databaseMaxDocNumglobal confidenceglobal descriptionopen file sourceNamerepeatset the cursor to busyread from file sourceName until returnif it is empty then exit repeatput it into sourceLineif sourceLine contains ":description" thenrepeatread from file sourceName until returnif it contains ":" then exit repeatif it contains ")" then exit repeatif it is empty then exit repeatput sourceLine && it into sourceLineend repeatput parseLine(sourceLine,":description") ¬into descriptionend ifif sourceLine contains ":ip-name" then put ¬parseLine(sourceLine,":ip-name") into siteNameif sourceLine contains ":ip-address" then put ¬parseLine(sourceLine,":ip-address") into siteIPif sourceLine contains ":tcp-port" then put ¬parseLine(sourceLine,":tcp-port") into sitePortif sourceLine contains ":maintainer" then put ¬parseLine(sourceLine,":maintainer") into maintainerif sourceLine contains ":database-name" then put ¬parseLine(sourceLine,":database-name") into databaseNameif sourceLine contains ":confidence" then put ¬parseLine(sourceLine,":confidence") into confidenceif sourceLine contains ":num-docs-to-request" then put ¬parseLine(sourceLine,":num-docs-to-request") into databaseMaxDocNumend repeatclose file sourceNamereturn 0end parseSourceFilefunction addSource sourceName, sourceList-- this function parses out a source file name (sourceName)-- places it in sourceList and returns sourceList,-- it also checks to see if the source is not already-- in the source listset the itemDelimiter to ":"put the last item of sourceName into sourceNameif sourceName is not empty thenput offset(".src",sourceName) - 1 into sourceNameLengthif sourceNameLength is not empty thenput character 1 to sourceNameLength of sourceName into sourceNameend ifrepeat with i = 1 to the number of lines of sourceListset cursor to busyget line i of sourceListif it = " " & sourceName or it = ">>" & sourceName thenexit to hypercardend ifend repeatif character ( the length of sourceList ) of sourceList ≠ return thenput sourceList & return into sourceListend ifput sourceList & " " & sourceName into sourceListend ifreturn sourceListend addSource</script>